Now there is clarity for the residents of Mühlrose. Leag, the holding company of Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG and Lausitz Energie Kraftwerke AG, informed residents at a meeting on Thursday evening that the decision to relocate the village's inhabitants had been made. Originally, Leag had asked for a cooling-off period until March 2019. In March, the basic contract should already be signed, the resettlement process begins from April with the signing of the compensation contracts
Minister of Economics Martin Dulig welcomes the decision: "This puts an end to years of uncertainty and trepidation for residents. Now the residents and businesses of Mühlrose finally have the security they have been demanding for years. They had been waiting a long time for the announced compensation payments so that they could build a new existence." In recent years, many residents and entrepreneurs had omitted necessary maintenance measures on their buildings and investments in equipment because they were counting on the agreed resettlement. (WiS)
Photo: . © Monika Skolimowska / dpa