
Saxony's ports become train stations

The German-Czech port association relies on rail. Only every 55th tonne ends up on a ship - and this time it's not due to low water... By Michael Rothe An icy wind whips through Dresden's Alberthafen. Drizzle, just above zero degrees Celsius. There are more tranquil places to work on a Tuesday evening than the trailer port. Shift manager Stephan Christoph and his four-man team, thick [...]

Investor from Thuringia takes over Erntebrot

Of the branches, only one will probably remain at the plant in Döbeln. The buyer sees great potential in production. Döbeln. Since Wednesday, lawyer Thomas Beck has been the insolvency administrator for the Erntebrot bakery in Döbeln, which has run into difficulties for the third time. His first official act in this role: he signed a purchase agreement for the company [...]