
GDL boss Weselsky rules out strikes over Christmas

In the train drivers' wage dispute with Deutsche Bahn, the union leader does not want to go on strike over the holidays. However, there could still be new train cancellations soon.

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Man sieht Claus Weselsky, Vorsitzender der Gewerkschaft Deutscher Lokomotivführer in einem Interview
Claus Weselsky, Chairman of the German Train Drivers' Union (GDL), assures no rail strikes over Christmas. © Christian Charisius/dpa

Leipzig/Berlin. The head of the Train drivers' union (GDL)Claus Weselsky, has called strikes at the German railroads over the Christmas period has been ruled out. "The GDL has never gone on strike over Christmas and will not do so this year either", Weselsky told the "Leipziger Volkszeitung" newspaper (Tuesday). "The Christmas season is a peaceful one - and it will remain so."

Last week, from Wednesday evening to Thursday evening, large parts of long-distance, regional and freight traffic came to a standstill due to a warning strike. In the meantime, the GDL has called on its members to vote on indefinite strikes in the current wage dispute. (dpa)

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