
Wages in Saxony: Where people earn the most

The State Statistical Office has analyzed where employees earned the most across Saxony in 2021 - and where the least. The east-west divide is still evident.

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The State Statistical Office published figures on Tuesday showing that people in Dresden earn the most. © dpa

From Fionn Klose

Dresden/Kamenz. Employees in Dresden earn the most money in Saxony. According to figures from the State Statistical Office the average gross salary in 2021 was 37,661 euros. This puts the state capital in 97th place in a Germany-wide comparison with 400 other districts.

In Germany, people earned an average of 38,188 euros in 2021. This was €1,226 more than in 2020. There are major differences between the districts in Germany: the range within Germany was between €27,723 in the district of Southwest Palatinate in Rhineland-Palatinate and 61,200 euros in the district-free city of Wolfsburg.

Increase in wages in the Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district

The average per capita salary in Saxony in 2021 was €33,466. Compared to 2020, salaries in Saxony rose by an average of 1,007 euros. At 4.4 percent, wages rose the most in the Saxon-Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district.

Only in Leipzig (36,438 euros) and Chemnitz (34,139 euros), salaries were above the Saxon average. The lowest wages were paid to employees in the Ore Mountains district (29,392 euros) and in the district of Goerlitz (29,792 euros).

East-West divide still noticeable

According to the Federal Statistical Office, the east-west divide in salaries continues to exist. With per capita earnings of 38,212 euros, the city of Jena is the only district of the five eastern German states above the average for Germany as a whole.

At 135 euros above the national average, it was followed by Potsdam (38,053 euros). Only the eastern German cities of Dresden and Leipzig broke the 36,000 euro mark in per capita earnings. In contrast, 148 of the 324 western German districts (45.7 percent) were above this mark. (SZ)

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