
 Business news from Saxony 
 Business news from Saxony 
 Business news from Saxony 
 Business news from Saxony 
Man sieht die Kuschelweich-Weichspüler Produktion

Kuschelweich-Nachfrage explodiert: Wie die fit GmbH jetzt investiert

Das Hirschfelder Unternehmen hat die größte Einzelinvestition der Firmengeschichte angeschoben. Die hat auch Auswirkungen auf die Mitarbeiter.

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Man sieht Flughafen Leipzig/Halle.

Expansion of Leipzig/Halle Airport approved

After a good four years of extensive examination, the controversial expansion of Leipzig/Halle Airport has been approved. However, there are some conditions.

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Die Herbstausgabe der Wirtschaft in Sachsen ist da!

The fall issue of WIRTSCHAFT IN SACHSEN is here!


Saxony's economy is going through turbulent times that bring with them uncertainties, but also numerous new ideas. Innovations are emerging between Lusatia and Vogtland that are paving the way to

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WIRTSCHAFT IN SACHSEN offers everything that is important for entrepreneurs and multipliers: News from and for Saxony's economy, analyses, success stories and portraits. WIRTSCHAFT IN SACHSEN gets to the heart of what decision-makers need to know.

Whether as a quarterly magazine, in the weekly newsletter or on the social media channels - WIRTSCHAFT IN SACHSEN always keeps you up to date! The experienced editorial team researches economic events on a daily basis and classifies them expertly, prepares even complex topics in a way that is easy to understand, and takes a look behind the scenes in business, politics and society.

With events tailored to the needs of decision-makers, WIRTSCHAFT IN SACHSEN also offers the opportunity for personal development and the expansion of personal networks.